Bay Phillips

Website for an engineering leader based out in Denver, Colorado.

My First Daughter, Lily

Baby Lily

On December 10th at 9:06pm, Lily Joy Phillips was born. Weighing in at a mighty 5 pounds and 12 ounces, Lily came into this world and had been an absolute blessing to both Melanie and I.

At the time of writing this post, we're almost 3 weeks in and loving every moment. Getting to finally become a father is an incredible feeling and I'm looking forward to cherishing every moment.

Paternity Leave

I've now begun my 18 week paternity leave from Seed Health which is greatly appreciated. I haven't not worked for this long of a period in my professional career, so it'll take some getting used to.

I'll be looking into dipping my toes in the consulting/professional services space after another month or so given this new change in life. If this is something you'd be interested in, please do reach out.

Until than, I can share some more of our favorite early photos of Lily as the newest member to our family.

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